A friend shared with me about a wolf encounter that she has in Brookville, Indiana and I immediately became obsessed with crossing a wolf encounter off of my adventure list as soon as possible.
The power of an adventure suggestion is very strong, and once I hear about something unique to try, I have instant tunnel vision.
Wolf Creek Habitat and Rescue is located in Brookville, Indiana about an hour away from Cincinnati.
Wolf Creek Habitat and Rescue has been open to the public for over 10 years and is dedicated to rescuing wolves and educating the public about these amazing animals. It started with rescues and then a few wolves were born at the habitat.
We were guided through the habitat with one of the volunteers who told us about the social dynamics of the wolves.
The wolves operate a bit like the social ladder in high school. There are the cool kids, the Alpha male and the Alpha female and then there is the kid that gets picked on who is the Omega.
It was interesting to learn how the others treat the Omega as lowest on the totem pole and yet if the wolf was out of that pack, he would still want back with his community even though he was treated as the lowest. It’s just the order of business in the animal kingdom where the strongest survive.
There are 5 different packs but only one of the packs does an encounter with visitors. All of the wolves in the encounter but two have been bottle fed.
I learned that there are some misconceptions about wolves. Wolves kill to eat. Coyotes kill to kill. With that being said, wolves still do not make good pets.
The reason there are rescue wolves is that people think they can have a wolf as a pet while it is little but as it grows they realize that wolves are wild and cannot be domesticated.
That is where Wolf Creek Habitat comes into the picture. They give these animals a place where they can be part of a pack and live as normal of a wolf life as possible.
Another interesting fact that we learned was that wolves don’t get fleas. They also don’t get baths.
They roll around in the grass and the enzymes from the plants help keep fleas away.
Here are a few rules that you should know before your wolf encounter.
Safety was the top priority during our wolf encounter. All of the staff were trained to constantly be watching all of the wolves and their behavior towards the visitors.
Don’t bring in any big professional cameras and wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
My son went from saying that he didn’t want to play with the wolves before we arrived to constantly asking us when we were going to play with them as we watched them from the observation area.
There were a few staff assigned to ensure that my kids were safe the whole entire time. We did not feel scared or in danger during our encounter.
In fact, I had to keep reminding myself that they were wolves because so much of their behavior was similar to a dog.
A wolf came over and sniffed my youngest son’s hands and then began licking his face while resting his paws on his shoulders. It was just like what a big dog would have done.
We were told to let the wolves approach us and that one of the wolves really enjoyed styling hair.
You can watch a little bit of my hair styling session.

When you pet the wolves you want to pet the sides as a sign of submission. You also need to dig your fingers in a little, otherwise, they won’t really feel it.
We even got to hear a little howling during our visit.
We had an incredible time at Wolf Creek Habitat and Rescue. This would probably be on my list of top 10 adventures which says a lot. It’s not every day that you can say that a wolf played with your hair!
They are open year round and the best time to see a lot of wolf activity is during the winter.
Wolf Creek Habitat and Rescue is located at 14099 Wolf Creek Rd., Brookville, Indiana
Call for hours and check out the website to plan your next adventure. 513-312-9143
davidsqueen1222@gmail would love to take my daughter who is 13 and grandson who is 4 to do this my husband and myself love wolfs and my favorite animal is wolfsmy grandson always asks when are we going to see the wolf’s
Hi Kimberlee- I’m not familiar with the one in the Northwest. We did have a positive experience at the one in Brookville.
Hi!! Do you know how this place compares with Wolf Park up in the Northwest? Can you please please send me an email if you have any feedback??
I would recommend calling Wolf Creek to set that up. (513) 312-9143
I live out of state how would I be able to have a wolf encounter? How late are you open in the fall? What are your hours of operation?
I love your blog! I was a very adventurous mom, and now I am an adventurous empty nesting mom. I LOVE to travel, scuba dive, safari, take photographs, etc etc. I am originally from Dayton Ohio, so I was excited to find an adventure mom in the Buckeye State. I now live in Dallas, Tx, and wherever my feet land me. I’ll keep up with you.
Never knew about this place, this is a MUST GO place on my list now this summer!! HOW FUN!!!
When I saw the “hairstyling” video posted on Facebook a few weeks ago, I immediately told my husband “I HAVE to do that!” After reading this, I MUST do this! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure!