
The Butterflies are Back at the Krohn Conservatory

The Butterflies are Back at Krohn Conservatory

I look forward to the butterfly show at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati every year. The butterfly exhibit takes us from spring to summer with a gorgeous array of butterflies and flowers.

Krohn Conservatory Butterflies

I had the opportunity to preview the show and learn tips to make the most out of your experience.

How to make the most out of your visit

  • Carry around the scratch and sniff landing cards scented with jasmine provided by the Krohn.
  • Remember that butterflies rest with their wings closed.
  • The flowers will bloom over the course of the show. Purchase a butterfly pin if you plan on visiting more than once.
  • Be on the lookout for butterfly releases throughout the show.
  • Don’t forget your camera!

Butterfly release

How can you attract a butterfly to your landing pad?

  • Wear bright colors to attract butterflies.
  • Visit on a hot day. Butterflies like the salt in your sweat.
  • Start at front end of the butterfly and encourage them to walk forward onto your landing pad.
  • Remember that you should not touch their wings!

Butterfly show at the Krohn e1491332029877

When is the best time to visit?

  • Late Monday and Tuesdays between 3-5 pm tend to have the lightest crowds
  • Weekends are the busiest with longer lines.
  • The butterflies are more active on hot, sunny days.
  • Overcast days are great for photographers.
  • Flowers will be blooming over the course of the show.
  • Special events offer smaller groups and unique experiences to encounter the butterflies.
  • The best value for unlimited visits is to purchase a butterfly pin for $12.

Butterflies feeding

What to expect this year

This year’s show will celebrate the beauty of the majestic monarch butterflies and their amazing long journey across North America. Thousands of free-flying butterflies, of all varieties including the monarch, will fill the showroom and delight visitors with their beautiful colors and designs. Experience what it’s like to be a butterfly surrounded by towering fir trees, giant flowers, and islands of color provided by the beautiful hydrangeas, marvelous marigolds, and gorgeous celosia.

Become a “Citizen Scientist” when visiting by observing which fruit nectar feeding station or which flower attracts the most butterflies. There is a lot to learn about Monarchs –– and everyone at Krohn is hoping that each visitor will spread the word about the importance of creating and preserving butterfly habitats.

Many special events, both family-friendly and Adults Only, have been planned throughout the 12-week show –– from Photographer Nights to Family Nights to name a few!

Small butterfly at Krohn Conservatory

2017 Butterfly Show Admission And Hours

Adults $7

Youth (Ages 5-17) $4

Children (Ages 4 and under) FREE

Learn more

You can find out more about the Krohn Conservatory from the Cincinnati Parks website. 

The Krohn Conservatory is located 1501 Eden Park Dr, Cincinnati, OH.

Butterfly at Krohn e1491333653750

I’m giving away (4) Family Four Packs to the Butterfly Show at the Krohn Conservatory!

I received tickets for review and giveaway purposes. All opinions are my own. 


The Butterflies are Back at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati

9 thoughts on “The Butterflies are Back at the Krohn Conservatory”

  1. I love the Krohn Conservatory’s exhibits and the butterfly exhibit is always great. I would love to see this year’s show.

  2. This would be the first year that my son will be able to enjoy the show. He’s 21 months and would love to see the pretties. I plan on taking him with my camera for some good pictures.

  3. I’ve been to two butterfly shows from previous years. I would love to see The Majestic Monarch.

  4. I want to win this giveaway so my family and I can have a fun day out together. We love butterflies and the beautiful flowers and plants at the Krohn Conservatory and have not gotten to go the past few years.

  5. This is one of my favorite things to do here! I would love to bring Fitz, he’s starting to really be interested in bugs and I think he would be fascinated. Although, toddlers and “don’t touch” don’t really mesh, but we’ll see!!

  6. I love the butterfly show and your story about it! I love your blog too! Thanks for all the great stuff!

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